
Second Lhaviyani Scout Group

Welcome to our website!

Second Lhaviyani Scout Group is the longest running co-curricular activity in Lh.Atoll Education Centre, the only school located in Hinnavaru. It was registered on 29th June 1987 as 31st Male’ with 36 Cub Scouts, 40 Scouts 1 Cub Leader and 2 Scout Leaders.

We hope to provide you with the up-to-date information on the Group Events and how we are working to improve the group.

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April 01, 2012

Scouts Mark Earth Hour 2012

The Scouts of Second Lhaviyani Scout Group gathered at Lhaviyani Atoll Education Centre to mark the Earth Hour on 31st March 2012 at 20.30 to 21.30. Girl Guides and Little Maids also gathered to the school to mark this event; even though the scouts were the head among them. Like the past year, all the lights of the school was turned off at 20.30 and candles were lit.
Earth Hour 2012 - SLSG!

Here's a short article about the Earth Hour 2012:

Earth Hour 2012 - I will, If You Will

Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with mire than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the, Sydney Harbor Bridge, The CN Tower in Toronto, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome's Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.
In March 2011, hundreds of millions of people took part in the third Earth Hour. Over 4400 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour the world's largest global climate change initiative.
Earth Hour 2012 takes place on Saturday 31 March at 08.30pm (local time) and is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community throughout the world. It is a call to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Europe to Asia to the Americas will stand in darkness. People across the world from all walks of life will turn off their lights and join together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common - our planet.

Earth Hour has done a lot to raise awareness of climate change issues. But there's more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year. It's all about giving people a voice on the future of our planet and working together to create a sustainable low carbon future for our planet.
With participation levels now exceeding all expectations, and with more cities and towns signing up every day to be a part of this historic event, the success of Earth Hour 2012 is limited only by the will of the global community to want a say in the future of their planet.
The challenge of Earth Hour is to rethink how we live our lives in the next hour, the next day, and the day after that. It's always darkest before the dawn. Let's make this hour the dawn of a new greener age.

Earth Hour Rally 2012

SLSG Scouts ready to start the Rally, they were on the front of the Rally!!

To Mark the Earth Hour of 2012, the Second Lhaviyani Scout Group, participated in a rally, on 31st March of 2012. In this rally organizied by Lhaviyani Atoll Education Centre, Councilors and others from Island Council Secretariat, Teachers and Uniform Bodies of Lh. A.E.C; "Scouts, Girl Guides", and also the residents of the Island participated. This rally was started at about 4.00 in the evening and it ended at about 4.30. The rally was held to promote and aware the resident's about Earth Hour!!

Girl Guides; who followed the SLSG!!

After the 5th North Camporee

On the way, back to home!!

All the ruckus ended, thus it was time for the Scouts of SLSG to head back home, to Lh. hinnavaru. It was 23rd March, 09.30, when the Second Lhaviyani Scout Group (SLSG) got onto the boat to come back home. During the Ride, "BoduBeru" was again played, and the Scouts all enjoyed it, even though they were tired. The Boat reached Hinnavaru at 11.00 and all the Scouts hurried to transport all the items quickly to school. As, it was Friday, all the Scouts were dismissed with their luggage at 11.30 after the transportation ended. This marked the end of 5th North Camporee!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls of all ages, don't be worried!! The 6th North Camporee will be held in Lh. Hinnavaru on March of 2013! Please see this blog for all the updates of the 6th North Camporee!!!!

5th North Camporee, N. Velidhoo - 21st and 22nd March

21st March (Visitor's Day)


The third Inspection of the Camporee started at 07.00 in the morning of 21st March. The Inspection was a lot strict than the last one, but according to our SPL (Senior Patrol Leader), Hussain Jumaan, the Inspection team congratulated the SLSG, for the quick improvement again. After about two hours of Inspection, the scouts freed from the hard time to relax and have some breakfast. After about 30 minutes, the next activity on the schedule for the Yaagooth, sub camp starts, so the Group got ready for it. The Morning activity was the Second Module; "Swimming Activities".

Swimming Activities - Module no. 2

The Module had 4 parts in total. It was Swimming, Life Saving, Rowing and Rafting. Scouts were eager to do the tasks as they really wanted the Camporee Award, which will be given to each scout who finishes all the four Modules. After some difficulties, all the scouts managed to finish the Module. The scouts got some good experience in the water from this module. The Module was conducted by MNDF (Maldives National Defense Force) After they finished the Module, they came back to the Camp site, prayed and again got ready for the final activity scheduled, the remaining part of the "Social Accountability"; "Crime Prevention".

Social Accountability - Module no. 4

The Activity started at 14.30 in the afternoon and ended at 15.30. All the scouts got some information about the common crimes and how to handle, which proved excellent for scouts like us. This part of the Module was conducted by the Police. After they finished the activity, they returned to the camp site to greet the visitor's from N. Velidhoo. As, the Day was Visitor's Day, many residents visited the camp site in the evening. The results of the Inspection were also displayed at the time and it showed that the SLSG were at eighth positon, but with a deduction of 5 marks. If the deduction was not done, the SLSG would be on the fourth position. This was a real success!!

Cultural Night - Two

After the visiting program ended, the scouts hurried to get ready for the Cultural night, as they had to present their item tonight. The show started at about 20.30, and SLSG scouts presented their item professionaly and  the crowd got a deserved entertainment. On the Night, SLSG, R. Inguraidhoo, R. Maduvvaree and H Dh. Kulhudhuhfushi scouts presented their items. Also the Rover Scouts, of Male' presented their item too. The show ended at about 22.00 and all the scouts came back to the Camp site to Sleep and Rest!

22nd March


This was the Final Inspection, and all the things were checked very strictly. The Inspection took almost 2 and a half hours, and ended at 09.30, as it started at 07.00 in the morning. Even at the Final Inspection, the Inspectors praised for the improvement of SLSG throughout the Camporee!! All the scouts expected a better result this time.

The Last Program

Tree Planting Program (SLSG)

Not so long after the Inspection ended, the results were published and it showed that the SLSG ended in the fourth place. This was Golden success for us, as we started from the bottom. After the Inspection the scouts were freed until the start of the Last Program, "Playing Traditional Games". The Program was at 16.30 in the evening, and before the Program began, a Tree Planting Program was done. After the Last Program ended, all the scouts head back to their camp site to get ready for the Closing Ceremony.

Closing Ceremony

SLSG Scouts

The Closing Ceremony started at 20.30. In the Closing Ceremony, Camporee Chief and Scout Commissioner talked. Also it was announced that the next Camporee will be held here in Lh. Hinnavaru. So,  the Scouts of Lh. Hinnavaru will strike once more, more deadlier than ever in the 6th North Camporee to lift the trophee of 1st Place. After the Closing Ceremony ended, all the participants and officials were served with a Dinner from the Parents of Scouts of N. Velidhoo. After the Dinner, all the scouts came back to Camp site to spend their Last Night there!!!